Asesmen Lapangan Prodi Tadris Biologi

On May 17, 2024, the first day of the on-site assessment for the biology education program at FITK UINSU Medan was successfully completed. The visit, conducted by Dr. agr. Saefudin, M.Si (UPI Bandung) and Dr. Samingan, M.Si (Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh), included an opening ceremony, sessions with FITK leaders, and confirmation meetings regarding the Quantitative Document, Self-Evaluation Report, and interactions with lecturers, students, alumni, and stakeholders.

The second day of the on-site assessment for the biology education program at FITK UINSU Medan was successfully conducted on May 18, 2024. The day included sessions on observing the characteristics of the learning process, facilities observations at Campus Iand Campus I and Campus IV of UIN SU, session with educational staff, and independent work sessions for the assessors to draft the on-site assessment report.

Praise be to Allah, the field assessment for the Biology Education program at FITK UINSU has been successfully carried out. This is the dedicated task force team that has spent nearly 9 months preparing accreditation documents and field assessments. We also extend our deepest gratitude to the entire academic community of FITK UINSU, alumni, stakeholders and media team for their unwavering support, participation, and enthusiasm. May all our efforts yield the desired results. We humbly ask for your prayers so that our program attains the best results and continues to grow in a positive direction.