PKM Mahasiswa Prodi Tadris Biologi Stambuk 22 (TBIO 1)

The Class of 2022 TBIO-1 students from the Biology Education Program successfully conducted their independent community service project from July 20-27, 2024, in Situnggaling Village, Merek District, Karo Regency. The theme of the project was “Optimization of Natural Resources to Enhance the Welfare of Situnggaling Village, Merek District, Karo Regency.”
🌿 This Community Service (PEMA) activity aimed to optimize natural resources to improve the welfare of the village community. Through various training programs, mentoring, and product development, the initiative sought to help the people of Situnggaling Village process and market natural resource-based products more effectively and efficiently. The ultimate goal was to enhance community welfare and strengthen the village’s economy.

The schedule of activities included:
• Day 1: Farewell ceremony by the program head and departure to Situnggaling Village, cleaning the community service post , and a visit to the village head’s office.
• Day 2: Group exercise and attending village community prayers.
• Day 3: Visits with village officials, presenting the program, cleaning the village head’s office, working in the fields, visiting tourist attractions, and learning activities with the village children.
• Day 4: Cleaning and putting up banners for the activities at the village hall, and starting the first project.
• Day 5: Implementation of work programs (making carrot donuts, carrot chips, blue pea flower syrup, vegetable chocolate, and carrot pudding), socialization, and a movie night with the village children.
• Day 6: Competitions, awarding prizes, and a community bonding night.
• Day 7: Presentation of souvenirs to the village head and preparation for returning to Medan.