PKM Mahasiswa Prodi Tadris Biologi Stambuk 22 (TBIO 3)

The independent community service project by the class of 2022 TBIO-3 students from the Biology Education Program was successfully conducted from July 20-27, 2024, in Negeri Tongging Village, Merek District, Karo Regency, with the theme “Utilizing Local Potential to Enhance Human Resources in Negeri Tongging Village, Merek District, Karo Regency.”

This Community Service (PEMA) activity aims to broaden the knowledge of the community, the local children, and the students themselves while fostering a sense of responsibility towards their surroundings. Through this activity, we aim to produce excellent students equipped with skills and abilities that benefit the community by enhancing human resources using the village’s local potential.

The schedule of activities was as follows:

Day 1: Departure and farewell by the program head, arrival at Negeri Tongging Village, and starting teaching sessions for the local children.

Day 2: Exploring Negeri Tongging Village and informing the community about the next day’s activities (morning exercise), followed by teaching sessions for the children.

Day 3: Participating in morning exercise with the residents, helping with chili harvesting, conducting socialization at the village office, and continuing teaching sessions for the children.

Day 4: Conducting a workshop on making collages from corn kernels at SD Swasta Anugerah (led by Mrs. Rohani, S.Ag, M.Pd.), a session on making tortillas from corn with the villagers (led by Mrs. Rasyidah, M.Pd.), and teaching sessions for the children.

Day 5: Receiving the monitoring by the program head, a workshop on making tempeh from corn (led by Mrs. Ummi Nur Afinni Dwi Jayanti, M.Pd.), and an evening of social activities.

Day 6: Donating to Masjid Manbanta Assalam, holding a quiz competition for local children, enjoying a movie night with the villagers, bidding farewell to the Negeri Tongging community, and distributing basic necessities.

Day 7: Completion of the community service project and return journey to Medan.

Well done on achieving such a meaningful and successful project!