Announcement: Final Examination Schedule for the 2nd Semester of the 2024/2025 Academic Year Based on the Circular Letter from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher…
Jadwal Pembayaran Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) Dan Sumbanggan Pembinaan Pendidikan (SPP) Priode Semester Genap UIN Sumatra Utara | T.A. 2024/2025
We hereby inform all students of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan (UIN Sumatra Utara Medan) that the payment schedule for the Single…
Seminar Nasional dan Pelantikan Pengurus HMP Tadris Biologi 2024-2025
The National Seminar and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Tadris Biology Student Association, organized in collaboration with Erlangga Publishing, Medan Branch, were successfully held on…