Our recent guest lecture with Ms. Tasya Kurrahmah Fitria, S.Pd., an esteemed alumna of the Biology Education program and Coordinator of the School Enrichment Committee…
Mahasiswa Prodi Tadris Biologi Berhasil Meraih Penganugrahan Vice Project Director Duta Inspirasi Indonesia
Congratulations and best wishes to Niea Zahara Phonna, a class of 2022 student , for her remarkable achievement as Vice Project Director of Duta Inspirasi…
Kuliah Tamu Botani Phanerogamae
On October 28, 2024, the Botani Phanerogamae course at UIN Sumatera Utara proudly hosted a distinguished guest lecture by Mr. Aulia Juanda, M.Si., Dean of…
Kuliah Tamu Ekologi Tumbuhan
The Biology Education Department at FITK UIN Sumatera Utara Medan successfully held a guest lecture for thePlant Ecology” course. We were honored to host Prof.…
Kuliah Tamu Zoologi Invertebrata
We’re excited to share the success of our recent guest lecture for 2023 class of Biology Education students at FITK UINSU! Dr. Elita Agustina, M.Si.,…
Mahasiswa dan Alumni Prodi Tadris Biologi Mengikuti PON XXI ACEH-SUMUT 2024
Best of luck and success to our talented students and alumni of the Biology Education FITK UINSU competing in PON 2024 Aceh-Sumut! May your efforts…
Informasi Perpanjangan Pembayaran UKT dan SPP Periode Semester Ganjil 2024/2025
Attention students! The UKT payment period for the First Semester of 2024/2025 at UIN Sumatera Utara Medan has been extended. Don’t forget to settle your…