On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:40 AM, a guest lecture on the Development of Media and Learning Resources for the Biology Course was held, attended by 50 sixth-semester students from the 2022 class. Mrs. Miza Nina Adlini, M.Pd., the course instructor, moderated the session.
Mr. Widi Cahya Adi, M.Pd. from UIN Walisongo Semarang delivered an engaging presentation on “Biology Learning Media Strategies in Action,” providing best practices and examples of media that support biology learning. He encouraged future biology teachers to remain creative and innovative in designing and selecting biology learning media, emphasizing the ACTION principles (Access, Cost, Technology, Interactivity, Organization, and Novelty). The lecture concluded with a Q&A session, followed by the presentation of a certificate of appreciation to the guest speaker.