Kuliah Tamu Praktisi Pendidikan Tadris Biologi

On Friday, June 21, 2024, an engaging guest lecture by an educational practitioner took place, attended by 49 sixth-semester students from the 2021 class. The session was moderated by Ummi Nur Afinni D.J, M.Pd., the Secretary of the Biology Education Study Program at FITK UINSU. The lecture aimed to prepare student teachers for their upcoming school field practice and provides insights into the theory-practice gap from an educational practitioner’s perspective.

The guest speaker, Tasya Kurrahmah Fitria, S.Pd., delivered a comprehensive presentation on strategies for developing teaching modules for the Merdeka Curriculum. She detailed essential steps such as analyzing learning outcomes, formulating learning objectives (TP), designing learning objective sequences (ATP), preparing diagnostic assessments, developing lesson plan, and creating teaching materials. Following the presentation, students were given practical tasks to analyze learning outcomes and present their findings in class.