PKM Mahasiswa Prodi Tadris Biologi Stambuk 22 (TBIO 2)

The Class of 2022 TBIO-2 students from the Biology Education Program successfully carried out their independent community service from July 20-27, 2024, in Merek Village, Merek District, Karo Regency. The theme of the project wasDeveloping Local Potential and Managing Waste to Produce Independent Products in Merek Village.” The aim of this initiative was to provide new knowledge and skills to enhance the well-being of Merek Village’s residents, as well as to assist them in effectively and sustainably optimizing their available resources.

The activities were scheduled as follows:
Day 1: Farewell ceremony by the program head and departure to Merek Village.

Day 2: Village meet-and-greet, mosque cleaning, recitations with Majelis Ta’lim Nurul Ummiah, and introduction to the BKM Man Banta Assalam officials in Merek Village.

Day 3: Visits with village officials, meeting with SMPN 1 Merek Principal, working in chili fields, and tourist interactions.

Day 4: Health seminars on reproductive health and the significance of protected forests, teaching practice sessions, and training in making fertilizer from waste, along with Quran lessons for MDTA children.

Day 5: Seminar on pinworm infections, ongoing teaching practice, workshops on creating products from waste, and receiving visits of Biology Education program head, and and activities in Merek Village’s tomato fields.

Day 6: Teaching practice, MDTA competitions (adzan, surah memorization, quiz, coloring), and activities.

Day 7: Farewell to SMPN 1 Merek, donation delivery, visit local tourist spots, and farewell to BKM Man Banta Assalam.

Day 8: Visit to Merek Village Head, farewell, plaque presentation, and return to Medan.

Kudos to the Team!